Saturday, September 3, 2011

All About Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is also known as primary or metastatic liver cancer is relatively rare form of cancer in the Western world (1% of all cancers) but much more common in Africa and parts of Asia (10% to 50% of all cancers). It is much more common in men and incidence increases with dobi.Rak liver is rapidly fatal, usually within 6 months from the gastro-intestinal bleeding, kidney or liver metastases.

types of cancer are directly
Most primary liver tumors are known as hépatomes (primary and hepatozellulärem cancer less than the cancer cells). Some elementary schools have cancer of the liver bile ducts, which are known as cholangiomas.Some rare liver cancer cells and contains Chuffer hepatoblastomas sarcoma (which is almost exclusively in children and are usually treatable and significant). Métastatique, liver cancer is 20 times more than the primitive liver cancer and cirrhosis, the liver is the first form of death.

Signs and symptoms
The cause of liver cancer, and symptoms usually do not until the late stage.
Clinical effects of advanced cancer of the liver include:
1st mass in the upper right corner.
2nd Bid, the nodular liver on palpation
3rd pain in the upper right corner
4th Weight loss, loss of appetite, weakness, fever
5th Exclusive series of jaundice or reserves (fluid in abdomen)

The exact cause of liver cancer in adults is unknown in children, but it will be in May of genetic disease. Liver cancer in May of adults as a result of exposure to environmental carcinogens, such as mold, contrast (not operational), androgens and estrogens, oral, hepatitis B and liver damage due to cirrhosis, caused by imbibing too much alcohol.

Liver cancer is difficult to diagnose in the presence of cirrhosis, but several attempts may help to identify the combination of image studies (ultrasonography, CT or MRI) and high blood alpha-fetoprotein effectiveness of diagnosis of liver cancer, electrolyte studies show May in sodium retention, a liver biopsy, the diagnosis .

Treatments for liver cancer have been primitive custom (state) of illness, age, general health, emotions and personal preferencija.Kirurgija the most effective treatment for liver cancer primitive, but it is not always possible because of the size or location of the tumor. Radio-frequency ablation with an option for people with small tumors and non-hepatocellular for certain types of metastatic breast cancer in the liver. During this procedure, the hepatic artery (artery of liver cancer, since their blood supply) is a safe, a chemotherapy drug is injected between the slope and the liver. Cryoablation of May, the ability to use people from elementary school with metastatic breast cancer and jetre.Brisanje whole liver and liver to replace with another person is another form of cancer treatment for primary liver cancer.

Even if treatment is not too much to improve the liver cancer itself, pain and other signs and symptoms caused by liver cancer can be treated vigorously in order to improve the quality of life. In general, treatments for children and adults, and the best approach depends on the date and type of cancer and the child's age and general health.


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